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Aerial image of a fishing boat on blue water, Chenzhou, Hunan, China

Aerial image of a fishing boat on blue water, Chenzhou, Hunan, China (© Hongjie Han/Getty images)

Aerial image of a fishing boat on blue water, Chenzhou, Hunan, China (© Hongjie Han/Getty images)

Summer Solstice in China

The summer solstice has arrived, and most of China is about to enter the hottest time of the year. Are you ready to cool down? Today, we invite you to enjoy a sky-blue lake in Chenzhou City, Hunan Province. Chenzhou City is located in the southeastern part of Hunan Province, at the confluence of the Yangtze River and the Pearl River. There are rich and colorful historical and cultural relics and scenic spots in the city, such as Dongjiang Lake, Suxianling, Wanhuayan, Mangshan National Forest Park, etc.
Among them, Dongjiang Lake is pure and vast. Among them, Dongjiang Lake is pure and vast, with a lake area of about 160 square kilometers, which can be said to have ten thousand hectares of blue waves and ten thousand scenic spots. Dongjiang Lake combines the beauty of mountains and the charm of water, and is known as “a lake in heaven and on earth, a lake with thousands of scenes”. In China, there are many other places with mountains and beautiful scenery. If you find the heat unbearable, why don't you visit these places and enjoy a cool summer trip?
© Hongjie Han/Getty images