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Eurasian red squirrel, Netherlands

Eurasian red squirrel, Netherlands (© Ernst Dirksen/Minden Pictures)

Eurasian red squirrel, Netherlands (© Ernst Dirksen/Minden Pictures)

Squirrel Appreciation Day

Have you ever been captivated by a squirrel crossing your path? If so, you're not alone! January 21 is designated as Squirrel Awareness Day to honor these furry seed distributors and their role in keeping the ecosystem in tip-top shape. Today's snapshot showcases the charming Eurasian red squirrel, whose striking reddish-brown coat, white underbelly, and bushy tail are a familiar sight in several countries. These squirrels are not only exceptional jumpers—capable of leaping up to 6 feet in one jump—they can even swim to search for food or migrate. If you spot a fuzzy-tailed squirrel friend frolicking in your backyard, they might appreciate some feeding stations stocked with a variety of treats such as raspberries or crab apples.
© Ernst Dirksen/Minden Pictures